Join us for a day of whanaungatanga, learning, and growth as we explore the health needs of tāngata whai ora and their whānau, and provide valuable feedback to the health system.
Tāngata whai ora and their whānau are invited to the NZ Drug Foundation Lived and Living Experience Forum: Pae Ora - Our Health. This event offers a unique opportunity to connect with others, strengthen your understanding of health needs, and provide input to the health system. We aim to promote healthy whānau, environments, and individuals through a day of engaging discussions and workshops.
Organisations in the sector are encouraged to support people in attending. For those not affiliated with an organisation, attendance is free of charge, and assistance will be provided when possible. However, spaces are limited to ensure diverse representation.
8:15am - 9am Registrations
9:00am Opening and mihi whakatau
Blessing and launch of the new ingoa Māori for the NZ Drug Foundation
10:00am Kai
10:30am Introduction to the day
Tuari Potiki, Chairperson NZ Drug Foundation and Sarah Helm, Executive Director NZ Drug Foundation
10:45am Connecting and whakawhanaungatanga
Kaia Hawkins
11:15am Keynote
International lived experience champion Arild Knutsen, Leader of the Association for Humane Drug Policies, Norway
11:45am What's bubbling up?
Audience discussion facilitated by table hosts
12:15pm Kai and demonstration of drug checking
1pm Keynote
International lived experience champion Sione Crawford, CEO of Harm Reduction Victoria
1:20pm Workshop
Describing our health needs
2:20pm Panel discussion: What is needed for our voices to be included here in Aotearoa? Examples from around the world and Aotearoa.
Chair: Sarah Helm, NZ Drug Foundation
Followed by stand-up group conversations.
3:15pm Afternoon tea
3:25pm Workshops
Providing feedback on our experience of seeking healthcare
4:20pm Weaving the strands together
Summary of the day and actions to take forward
5:00pm Close
Get your tickets for the Lived and Living Experience Forum here
Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and contribute to improving the health system for tāngata whai ora and their whānau. Register for the Lived and Living Experience Forum now.
New data shows that fatal overdoses are continuing to increase.
Three New Zealanders die each week from preventable drug overdose
The Drug Foundation is warning people not to consume Rinda pineapple lollies.