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NZ Drug Foundation Staff


Q&A: Kathryn Leafe

1 Aug 2013

CareNZ's new boss talks to Matters of Substance about how she's gone from running treatement centres in prisons, to running the Soweto marathon.


Mythbusters: New Zealand has the highest drug use in the world

1 Aug 2013

Do we really? Or is it just that our bean counters are better at counting beans than others. Find out!


Viewpoints: Addiction is an equal opportunity disease

1 Aug 2013

Can anyone develop an addiction? Viewpoints discusses.


Psychoactive Substances Act 101

1 Aug 2013

A world-leading piece of legislation has been passed in New Zealand to regulate new psychoactive substances. What is it all about, how does it work, and where do we go from here?


About a drug: Salvia

1 May 2013

It’s not exactly the average herb you’ll find in your grandmother’s garden.


Q&A: Tariana Turia

1 May 2013

Māori Party Co-leader Hon. Tariana Turia has mounted a personal crusade against smoking and has been a staunch advocate for Māori health and wellbeing. Matters of Substance sat down with Mrs Turia to talk about the fight with Big Tobacco, h


Mythbusters: Drugs are legal in Portugal

1 May 2013

After massively reforming its drug policy at the turn of the century, Portugal stands as a global leader of evidencebased policy grounded on the principle of harm reduction. The situation seems to be working, with more people in treatment a


Viewpoints: Should we use the word ‘addict’?

1 May 2013

‘Addict’ may be a completely appropriate medical term, but could using it in a treatment environment actually do more harm than good?


Healing from the inside out

1 May 2013

A new programme for students and by students has helped a troubled little community get back on its feet by getting young people to look inwards and talk about the pain behind bad behaviour and drug use.


Chris Rattue

1 May 2013

Chris Rattue tells other people’s stories. He is a writer who makes his living as a journalist, sports reporter and columnist for The New Zealand Herald. But this time, Rattue wants to tell his story: a tale of addiction and freedom.


About a drug: Cocaine

1 Feb 2013

Portrayed as one of the most glamorous drugs, cocaine has made a huge splash in pop culture and left a huge scar on South America.


Q&A: Russell Brand

1 Feb 2013

On the tenth anniversary of his recovery, comedian Russell Brand invited Matters of Substance backstage to the final show of his Australia and New Zealand tour.