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NZ Drug Foundation Staff


Mythbusters: There is no such thing as cannabis withdrawal

1 Feb 2013

Cannabis doesn't have the physical symptoms of withdrawl that other drugs have, but it does have it.


Viewpoints: Should unregistered naltrexone implants be used to treat opioid dependence?

1 Feb 2013

Naltrexone is still untested. Should we allow it to be used as an opiod blocker? Viewpoints takes a look.


The cost of our convictions

1 Feb 2013

How much does imprisoning young New Zealanders for minor drug offences cost us?


How we see things from our front gate

1 Feb 2013

Russell School's success in reducing harm from a poorly managed local liquor store shows what can be achieved when communities engage and mobilise.


Q&A: Ray Smith

1 Nov 2012

The head of the Department of Corrections, Ray Smith, is grilled by Matters of Substance over its alcohol, tobacco, and other drug policies.


Mythbusters: Alcohol helps us forget

1 Nov 2012

Mythbusters takes a look at whether alcohol, the go-to of many people in a crisis, will actually help you forget your problems.


About a drug: Psilocybin

1 Nov 2012

The Aztecs called them teonanácatl, scientists call them Psilocybe, rappers refer to them as shrooms. Whatever you call them, magic mushrooms are a fungus that can have mind-altering effects.


Viewpoints: Should you give your teenager alcohol?

1 Aug 2012

Viewpoints asks if you should provide alcohol to your teenage child. Is it just adopting mediterranean attitude toward alcohol or could you be harming their developing brain?


About a drug: MDMA

1 Aug 2012

In 1914, a clever scientist working for the German pharmaceutical company Merck created and patented the MDMA molecule. The first recorded human ingestion of MDMA wasn’t until the 1970s


Mythbusters: Cannabis 20 times more carcinogenic than tobacco?

1 Aug 2012

The British Lung Foundation has claimed that smoking a cannabis cigarette is up to 20 times more likely to give you lung cancer than smoking a tobacco cigarette. Is the evidence there to back them up?


Mythbusters: Is cannabis legal in the Netherlands?

1 May 2012

Mythbusters takes a closer look at the nuanced drug policy of the Netherlands.


Mythbusters: Is meth really all that bad for you?

1 Feb 2012

Columbia University recently published a study on the effects of methamphetamine use. It not only questioned received wisdom about the damaging effects the drug has on the brain, it also suggested meth could actually improve some brain fun