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NZ Drug Foundation Staff


Mythbusters: Alternative education - the root cause of drug use?

1 Nov 2009

Is 'Reefer' one of the Three Rs in New Zealand's alternative education system? Mythbusters look at what the NZCER report really said about AE student drug use.


Mythbusters: Blown away: defeating the breathlyser

1 Aug 2009

We take a look at various theories on how to mask your alcoholic breath when you're asked to blow in the bag.


Mythbusters: Ignorance isn't bliss - The harm reduction debate

1 May 2009

We never expected support from the Vatican, but why do so many who should know better still believe the myths about harm reduction?


Through the maze - healthy drug law reform

1 Feb 2009

The Law Commission's review of the Misuse of Drugs Act cannot come soon enough. The Drug Foundation has some ideas about how a new Act should look, based on 30 years of experience and evidence.


Mythbusters: Ketamine: not just for horses, also for badgers

1 Feb 2009

The media's delight in describing ketamine as a horse tranquiliser is doing nothing to help convey a clear understanding of relative drug harm.


Mythbusters: Drinking during hard times: Wheres the proof?

1 Nov 2008

It's commonly believed that we drink more when times get tough economically, but the data suggests that ain't necessrily so.


Mythbusters: Coming clean on meth

1 Aug 2008

It's widely held that methamphetamine addiction can't be treated. Mythbusters look at what providers are doing to check whether this is true.


Mythbusters: How attractive is the Swedish model?

1 May 2008

A 'drug-free society' is an attractive proposition, and one pursued with vigor under Sweden's drug policy. Mythbusters sizes up the model to see if it's as stunning close up.


Review of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Act 1966

1 Feb 2008

In the wake of the coroner’s calls for increased treatment facilities, the Ministry of Health outlines the proposed review of the Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Act.


Let's talk about pot

1 Nov 2007

Cannabis. It's New Zealand’s favourite (illicit) drug. But for all its popularity, cannabis receives scant attention from politicians, policy makers and the media.


Mythbusters: Drinking like the French

1 Aug 2007

The fact that the French encourage their kids to drink wine has led to a rosy utopia of sensible alcohol consumption. We read that on the Internet somewhere.


Mythbusters: One addiction at a time?

1 May 2007

Who says people undergoing addiction treatment can't give up smoking at the same time? Mythbusters reveal new evidence and research challenging the myths that have kept smoking interventions out of substance abuse programmes for so long.