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Five wonderful years of FebFast NZ

4 Dec 2015
This article was published 9 years ago. Content may no longer be relevant.

FebFast NZ banner

The Drug Foundation has reluctantly decided FebFast New Zealand will not be run again. Over 2,400 people have participated in the month-long non-drink-a-thon raising more than $319,000.

FebFast New Zealand was launched in 2011 to raise funds for organisations working on alcohol and other drug issues. It also offered a way for people to talk about kiwi drinking culture. People who joined in have talked about losing weight, saving money and enjoying life more without alcohol.

It was a difficult decision to make, but the Drug Foundation has limited resources available and has decided these are best focused on other ways of ensuring Aotearoa NZ is free from drug harm.

A big THANK YOU is extended to everyone who took part. Fabulous support has been received from participants, donors, ambassadors, sponsors and the wider alcohol and other drug sector.

It's been a really fun few years running FebFast NZ, and we're going to miss being part of it.

Who FebFast has helped

In the five years of FebFast the following organisations received funds:

  • ADHD Association - Nationwide
  • Adventure Therapy at Waipuna Trust (Christchurch)
  • Amplify! Odyssey House (Auckland)
  • Care NZ (Waikato)
  • Evolve (Wellington)
  • Get the Msg! Text information service (Nationwide)
  • He Taumata Toa - Growing Champions (Wellington)
  • Mirror Services (Dunedin)
  • Rainbow Youth (Auckland)
  • Rape Prevention Education (Auckland/nationwide)

Update from 2015 FebFast NZ funding recipient: RPE

Rape Prevention Education (RPE) is very grateful to everyone involved in the 2015 FebFast for their commitment and generosity.

The funds raised have enabled RPE to run training at Whakatakapokai (a residence for young people with high needs) and to refresh the BodySafe programme. The young people at Whakatakapokai have gained knowledge and skills which they can apply to keep themselves safe. An updated BodySafe programme is expected to reach more people.

RPE wish to acknowledge the many supporters who made FebFast so successful.




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