Did You Know comic strips for any young person about alcohol and common drugs
Having a helpful conversation with a young person about alcohol and drugs can be difficult. It is important to understand that every teenager will make a decision about whether to use alcohol or drugs. This is why they need honest facts to understand the risks that will help them navigate that decision.
Suitable for all young people, Did You Know is a series of animated videos and comic strips developed with young people which contain expert facts about alcohol and drugs common in New Zealand. Did You Know also includes a conversation planner to take the stress out of what might feel like a difficult conversation.
• Alcohol
• Cannabis
• Volatile substances
• Methamphetamine
• Synthetic substances
Visit drugfoundation.org.nz/didyouknow and order printed materials including a complete booklet from our Resources page. Youth services can also host the Did You Know microsite on their own website. Preview the microsite at dyk.drugfoundation.org.nz and contact for more information.
Photo of Did You Know booklet and pocket card resources - Did You Know booklet and Brief Advice Pocket Cards
For young people who have tried or are considering using alcohol or drugs, a little more information could reduce problems in future. This series of pocket cards was made in partnership with Werry Workforce Whāraurau. The cards can be used to guide a conversation. They are also an ideal takeaway that supports the brief advice component of the SACS ABC screening in New Zealand primary care settings. The cards outline what to expect if using, how to be safer and what to do if things go wrong. They are best used following a conversation with a young person who is currently using or likely to use.
Designed for a broad audience
Designed for people using these substances
Substances overview poster for Services also available
Order a wall chart with a useful summary of drug and harm minimisation tips which are suitable for young people. Post it in your service or clinic as a quick reference guide for staff.
Some young people experience short term harm from their use. Young people using drugs more than once will benefit from information designed to help them avoid dependence.. These resources encourage self-reflection while strategies for limiting use and making changes.
DrugHelp includes information that can help someone reflect on their drug use, consider change and next steps. The site also features videos of people sharing their stories of change.
MethHelp, part of DrugHelp, offers additional tools and videos for meth users. Printed copies of MethHelp: How to Stay in Control can also be ordered.
PotHelp lets cannabis users engage with 14 actions to help them reflect on their use and make changes if they wish. A printed PotHelp Workbook can also be ordered.
While small in number, some young people will experience serious problems from their use of alcohol or other drugs. The above tools help a young person avoid or identify emerging problems. For others, secondary addiction services can provide more intensive support for young people experiencing long term problems. Find a service close to you on healthpoint.co.nz.
You can order these resources free of charge for your organisation. For information about SACS ABC screening and e-training, contact Michelle Fowler at Werry Workforce on michelle.fowler@auckland.ac.nz.
New data shows that fatal overdoses are continuing to increase.
Three New Zealanders die each week from preventable drug overdose
The Drug Foundation is warning people not to consume Rinda pineapple lollies.