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Articles with category: Article


Fixing the cost of alcohol

15 May 2017

Will a minimum alcohol floor price help make a dent in New Zealand’s binge drinking culture? Catherine McCullough investigates overseas evidence


When grandparents must step up

2 Apr 2017

Wide-ranging research has laid bare the experiences of grandparents stepping up to raise grandchildren due to their own child’s battle with drugs. It places enormous financial, physical and emotional stress on grandparents at a time when th


Q&A: Dr Huhana Hickey

1 Apr 2017

Dr Huhana Hickey (Ngāti Tahinga, Whakatōhea) is a research fellow at the AUT and an outspoken medical cannabis law reform campaigner.


In memory of Ben Hana

24 Mar 2017

Ben Hana was seen by many as an oddity, but Wellington’s ‘Blanket Man’ was a symptom of a deeper problem and his passing a call to action.


Clearing the smoke

23 Mar 2017

Cannabis is now widely accepted as a medical treatment, but does it have the evidential backing of other medicines? From herbal remedies to clinical therapies, Max Daly investigates the big business of medical cannabis.


Mythbusters: Firms should encourage workplace ‘drinkies’

23 Mar 2017

Last year, media seized on research that seemed to show using alcohol could have incredible benefits in a white collar work environment.


Mythbusters: All heavy drinkers are alcoholics

19 Mar 2017

That guy who is notorious for getting legless at every social gathering might be called an alkie or an alcoholic behind his back. But the label is unlikely to be on the mark, at least not from a diagnostic point of view.


Viewpoints: The BAC and the 'Know your limit' guidelines

15 Mar 2017

At the end of last year, NZ lowered its legal blood alcohol limit. How has that affected drivers and the hospitality industry?


Opinion: This isn't who I was born to be

15 Mar 2017

Drugs can tear families apart. So too can the laws that police them. But family can also motivate users to put their lives back together again, writes Patrick Hilsman.


Many follow the Silk Road trail

15 Mar 2017

Amberleigh Jack embraces the dark side to investigate hidden and illicit drug marketplaces online.


The victims of Russia's war on methadone

15 Mar 2017

Michael Bird reports on the dire consequences of Russia’s harsh anti-drugs crusade in Crimea.


UNGASS 2016: Hopeful global voices

15 Mar 2017

What can the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the world drug problem achieve? In this feature, we share perspectives from people working in South America, West Africa and Asia and in global development.