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Articles with category: Article


Q&A: Darien Fenton

1 May 2014

Outgoing Labour MP Darien Fenton recently opened up publicly about her addiction to heroin in the 70s and subsequent recovery thanks to the methadone programme.


Mythbusters: The current drug control system works to reduce availability, increase prices and mitigate risks from drugs.

1 May 2014

A paper by United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime makes a bold claim about the current drug control system.


Viewpoints: Should New Zealand allow medicinal cannabis?

1 May 2014

Medical cannabis is a sticky issue. There is evidence that cannabis and products derived from cannabis can treat some illnesses and alleviate symptoms of others. On the other side, there are concerns about the efficacy of using a raw produc


10,000/1,500/15 Breaking the silence on responsible drug use

1 May 2014

It’s time for responsible users to join the drugs conversation, argues Stuart McMillen. Only then can the world begin to understand that not all drug users are damaged, addicted lowlifes.


International drug reform is happening – just not as we expected

1 May 2014

Reform of international drug policy seems inevitable, but questions remain. John Collins asks some of them.


There’s an app for that

1 May 2014

There are new apps and programs designed to help your sobriety, but can technology replace face-to-face recovery?


Erowid et al

1 May 2014

Politics, the law and logistics make it difficult to provide frank, up-to-date information on psychoactive drugs. That’s where websites like Erowid and Bluelight come in.


Oh, Vienna!

1 May 2014

For some, the 57th Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna this year was disappointing. For others, there were glimmers of hope.


ChEckiT out

1 May 2014

The dance party scene is renowned for being up with the latest and best dance-enhancing substances. ChEckiT helps party goers make good decisions.


Will they ever learn?

1 May 2014

If a student turns up to class stoned, they might be kicked out of school. Or they might receive drug counselling and be excluded from attending their school ball. Which is better?


About a drug: Khat

1 Feb 2014

Khat is a scraggly plant that grows in the dry hillsides and sandy rocky soils of Africa. Its small green leaves and average height don’t leave a lasting impression on one’s mind, but chewing said leaves might.


Q&A: Kofi Annan

1 Feb 2014

United Nations Secretary-General and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Kofi Annan took time to answer questions from Matters of Substance about his role on the board of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.