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Articles with category: Media release

Media release
Aug 7

Drug law change is a positive step

7 Aug 2019

Drug Foundation applauds government on law change to allow Police discretion and health referral.

Media release
Jul 10

Proposed medicinal cannabis regime ticks most boxes

10 Jul 2019

Government is consulting on medicinal cannabis regulations. Submissions are due by 9 August 2019. Patients are urged to have their say.

Media release
May 7

Drug Foundation is backing a Yes vote

7 May 2019

Following the announcement of the Government’s approach to the 2020 cannabis referendum, the Drug Foundation will be promoting a Yes vote.

Media release
May 2

MPs told immediate health focused drug law change is essential

2 May 2019

Drug Foundation submission supports amendments to the Misuse of Drugs Act - with some misgivings

Media release
Apr 3

New drug law reform coalition calls for better outcomes for Māori

3 Apr 2019

Māori health organisations Te Rau Ora and Hāpai Te Hauora have joined the New Zealand Drug Foundation and others to set up the Health not Handcuff.

Media release
Apr 3

Health Not Handcuffs drug reform campaign launches

3 Apr 2019

Seven public health and social justice organisations have combined to set up Health Not Handcuffs as a way for the people to express their support for a health approach to tackling NZ’s drug issues.

Media release
Mar 6

Police discretion for drug offences needs greater health funding

6 Mar 2019

Greater funding for health and social services is urgently needed for changes to Misuse of Drugs Act to be effective.

Media release
Jan 15

New report highlights drug policy trends

15 Jan 2019

A new State of the Nation report we released in January 2019 shows that while we are doing well in some areas, there is massive room for improvement.

Media release
Dec 13

Government action on synthetics drugs crisis applauded

13 Dec 2018

The Government’s response to synthetic drug deaths is welcomed by the Drug Foundation. This is an important step towards treating drug use as a health issue.

Media release
Dec 4

Mental Health and Addictions Inquiry says treat drugs as a health issue

4 Dec 2018

Recommendation for government action on alcohol and other drugs, including removing criminal sanctions for personal drug use and providing a broader range of health interventions instead, are welcomed.

Media release
Nov 29

Open letter to PM calls for addiction treatment funding boost

29 Nov 2018

Gaps in access to addiction treatment have prompted 30 organisations to issue an open letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

Media release
Nov 29

Statement on government’s updated medicinal cannabis bill

29 Nov 2018

Useful changes to the government’s medicinal cannabis bill were announced today, but the Drug Foundation says many patients will be disappointed.