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Articles with category: Media release

Media release
May 10

Medical cannabis report disappointing

10 May 2014

A report on medical cannabis published yesterday by the Health Select Committee is a disappointing once-over glance at a medicine that is of increasing importance globally, the New Zealand Drug Foundation said.

Media release
May 7

Amnesty period needed for 'legal high' possession

7 May 2014

Police should hold off prosecuting people for possession of psychoactive products for the next six months, the New Zealand Drug Foundation urged today.

Media release
Apr 28

Use powers in existing law says Drug Foundation

28 Apr 2014

The announcement of changes to the Psychoactive Substances Act to remove currently approved ‘legal highs' from sale is disappointing due to its political nature, and will lead to stockpiling and black-market sales the New Zealand Drug Found

Media release
Apr 23

Op-ed: Law change a comedown for legal high industry

23 Apr 2014

Novel psychoactive substances first appeared in 2001, since then governments have repeatedly failed in attempts to ban this problem away because the legal high industry simply creates new chemicals to evade bans.

Media release
Feb 20

1/3 of NZ families affected by alcohol and drug problems

20 Feb 2014

A third of New Zealanders have a family member who has experienced negative effects in their life due to alcohol or drug use, research commissioned by the New Zealand Drug Foundation has shown.

Media release
Feb 12

febfast lite for sevens hangover

12 Feb 2014

People who overdid it at the Wellington Sevens last weekend can give their livers a break for the rest of February by signing up to febfast.

Media release
Feb 3

febfast kicks off with a bang, still time to register

3 Feb 2014

febfast kicked off 28 days of booze free bliss with a bang over the weekend and there is still time to register, febfast coordinator Natalia Albert said today.

Media release
Jan 28

febfast: prizes, events, friends

28 Jan 2014

New Zealanders are four days away from embarking on the febfast challenge and a chance to feel healthier, win prizes, and help support young people and their families with alcohol and drug problems.

Media release
Jan 21

Kicking off febfast with a bang!

21 Jan 2014

The febfast challenge is kicking with a bang this year with two awesome events, febfast coordinator Natalia Albert said today.

Media release
Jan 13

febfast registration free for an alcohol free February

13 Jan 2014

febfast registration free for an alcohol free February

Media release
Nov 28

Research links cannabis use with psychosis

28 Nov 2013

Chronic cannabis use in early adolescence can make some people up to 11 times more likely to develop schizophrenia, the New Zealand Drug Foundation's Cannabis and Health Symposium in Auckland has been told.

Media release
Nov 28

Online therapy tool to help people with pot

28 Nov 2013

An innovative online therapy to help people reduce or stop their use of cannabis was launched today in Auckland.