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Cannabidiol - A better option than my tiny pink pills?

1 Mar 2018

Personal story: Using medication to cope with anxiety; Denise Carter-Bennett is optimistic that cannabidiol will one day be a legal option


Step into the light

1 Mar 2018

Cover story summary: Personal stories of drug use, highlighting consumer perspectives


Medicinal Cannabis Reform Workshops

13 Feb 2018

Register for a workshop on the the Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Amendment Bill in February/ March 2018.


Tell MPs you want improved access to medicinal cannabis

8 Feb 2018

The way New Zealand regulates access to medicinal cannabis is going to change. Policy Manager Kali Mercier explains how you can help.


Summer alert: It looks like MDMA but it's not

7 Feb 2018

There’s a new drug on the scene at festivals, and it's NOT Ecstasy


New GCDP report, feat. Rt Hon Helen Clark    

7 Feb 2018

Helen Clark: Decriminalising drugs is the “hardest of all issues.”


Mental health review stirs hope for change

7 Feb 2018

The Government’s promised mental health and addictions review is off the starting block.

Media release
Dec 20

Government’s medical cannabis bill will address current barriers

20 Dec 2017

The Drug Foundation welcomed the government’s announcement to establish a government-run medical cannabis scheme as part of its First 100 Days commitment.

Dec 13

It’s going to take more than a referendum to sort out NZ’s drugs issues

13 Dec 2017

In a new policy briefing sent to MPs, the Drug Foundation lays out drug policy priorities for the next three years.