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The right message: Engaging teens and young people

1 Oct 2017

Update on how 'peer crowds' research is being used to inform a range of youth-focused projects


Cheese, chocolate, watches - and heroin-assisted treatment

1 Oct 2017

Switzerland’s national drug policy, introduced in the 1990s, comprises four pillars: prevention, therapy, harm reduction and prohibition. The Swiss public voted the approach into law in 2008.


Cannabis causes 32 deaths each year in New Zealand... Really?

1 Oct 2017

All drug use has a risk of harm, which can include death. This Viewpoints argues either side of the question: Does cannabis cause 32 deaths each year in New Zealand?


Drivers of change

1 Oct 2017

What hope is there that this is the direction law makers will take in our new Parliament? Emma Espiner examines the prospects.


Revenge of the Hastings Incubus

1 Oct 2017

The long, mostly hidden and quietly swoony story of the Kiwi relationship with heroin (diamorphine): Redmer Yska traces New Zealand’s history of heroin.


On addiction and the politics of compassion

1 Oct 2017

Mental health is notably on the agenda this election (and hopefully post-election). Given our suicide rate now sits at a heart-breaking 606 people in the last year, this focus is long overdue.


Public mood swing: Have Asia’s brutal drug wars hit a nerve?

1 Oct 2017

Recent teen deaths in the Philippines have sparked massive public outrage. Could this be a turning point for President Duterte’s bloody War on Drugs?


Enlightenment at the end of the maze

1 Oct 2017

Our Through the Maze symposium in July was a starting point for change.



1 Oct 2017

Ngāi Tūhoe and the Drug Foundation invited experts and community leaders to come together in Rūatoke to declare war on drug dependence.