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Q&A: Johann Hari

1 Jul 2017

British journalist Johann Hari’s book Chasing the Scream is still being widely read around the globe. Q&A asked the award-winning author for a quick update.


Corrections must do more to reduce Māori reoffending

1 Jul 2017

The Waitangi Tribunal’s (Wai 2540) Tu¯ Mai te Rangi! report says the Crown has breached its Treaty of Waitangi obligations by failing to address the high rates of Māori reoffending and reimprisonment.


Values-based politics and drug law reform

1 Jul 2017

In his recent book The New Zealand Project, Max Harris proposes transforming our political process so that it is based on values and focused on truly positive outcomes. Drug law reform, he says, would be an excellent place to start.


Local Alcohol Policies: Has the new Act delivered?

1 Jul 2017

Local Alcohol Policies promised more community participation. Has the new Act delivered?


Rebuilding lives, rebuilding communities

1 Jul 2017

If the treatment sector gets someone into recovery is the job complete? Or is there more that can be done?


Music culture

1 Jul 2017

Redmer Yska pores through the history of NZ song to show how perception of drug use changed over time.


Me and my interlock

1 Jul 2017

The government has announced mandatory alcohol interlocks for some convicted drink drivers. Our correspondent talks about what it's like to have one installed.


A Kiwi in the land of legal cannabis

1 Jul 2017

The Drug Foundation's Stephen Blyth visits US states where it's legal to possess, use and sell cannabis


Ups and downs with Painkiller prescriptions

1 Jul 2017

Over-prescription of opioid painkillers: How bad is it in NZ?