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Drug history: James K Baxter: poetry and political influence

1 May 2016

You may know Hemi Baxter as one of our finest poets, but did you also know that he helped shape our current drug law?


Q&A: Dr Richard Di Natale

1 May 2016

Australian Greens leader Richard Di Natale worked as doctor before being elected a senator in 2011. He's a strong voice for treating drug abuse as a health issue.


Guest editorial: Substance Addiction Bill briefing

1 May 2016

Vanessa Caldwell, head of the addiction workforce development group Matua Raki, explains what is in the new compulsory treatment bill currently before the House.


Viewpoints: Introducing lockout laws

1 May 2016

Lockout laws may just be the next weapon in New Zealand's arsenal against late night alcohol-fuelled violence. But just how effective are they?


Opinion: Telling it like it is

1 May 2016

Our Board Chairman Tuari Potiki told the United Nations General Assembly that indigenous voices must be part of the drug policy debate.


The snowball and the avalanche: medical cannabis in Australia

1 May 2016

Stories of personal suffering are appearing more frequently in the Australian news, and that's paved the way for medical cannabis. Andrew McMillen reports on what's happening over the ditch.


To test or not to test

1 May 2016

Drug testing in schools is rejected by some and embraced by others. So what is the score, asks Naomi Arnold.


Where are we at with alcohol reform?

1 May 2016

It's been 4 years since new liquor laws passed. They were supposed to reduce problematic consumption of alcohol without impinging on responsible drinkers, have they been successful?

Media release

Statement to the UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem

21 Apr 2016

New Zealand Drug Foundation civil society statement to the plenary of the UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem