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Viewpoints: Should we be concerned about rising PIED use?

1 Aug 2015

Use of performance and image-enhancing drugs is on the rise in NZ - that may be a cause for concern.


Opinion: A brave, new drug policy

1 Aug 2015

The National Drug Policy 2015-2020 is finally out. How does it stack up? Drug Foundation Principal Policy Advisor Andrew Zielinski looks at the pros and cons.


A school's core business

1 Aug 2015

This is the second in our Whole School Series, which look into new approaches to protecting young people from drug-related harm being adopted by NZ schools.


The cruel 'C'

1 Aug 2015

The outlook for those suffering from hepatitis C is pretty bleak. Russell Brown looks at the NZ situation and some encouraging developments overseas.


Taking the pulse of Māori public health

1 Aug 2015

Restoring equality and addressing health outcomes for Māori come with many challenges. Matt Calman talks with four figures from the sector about treatment and harm reduction.

Jun 24

Opinion: Don't freak out over changing drug laws

24 Jun 2015

Kiwis should have another look at their drug laws, writes Ross Bell, Drug Foundation executive director

Jun 15

Support. Don't Punish. in Aotearoa, 2015

15 Jun 2015

On Friday 26 June, hundreds of New Zealanders will come together to stand for supporting, not punishing, people who use drugs.

Jun 8

Preventing overdose deaths - background paper

8 Jun 2015

Better emergency overdose interventions are required to reduce the number of preventable deaths in New Zealand.


Mythbusters: Is cannabis really 100 times safer than alcohol?

1 May 2015

There are many factors to consider when assessing drug-related harm. Claiming that cannabis is 114 times safer than alcohol is, like some of the data in a recent study, very uncertain.