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Media release
Aug 6

Time for political consensus on alcohol

6 Aug 2008

The Drug Foundation is urging all political parties to support a new alcohol bill announced by the government today, saying the bill addresses key weaknesses in our current liquor law through amendments which shouldn’t be politically conten


What to do with 'high' school students

1 Aug 2008

For many teenagers, alcohol and other drugs are part of everyday life. But is kicking drug taking kids out of school the best solution we've got?


Mythbusters: Coming clean on meth

1 Aug 2008

It's widely held that methamphetamine addiction can't be treated. Mythbusters look at what providers are doing to check whether this is true.

Media release
Jun 26

Drug Foundation launches Volatile Substance Guide for Retailers

26 Jun 2008

The New Zealand Drug Foundation today launched a guide for retailers on managing the sale of volatile substances.


Opinion: Lore and Leadership: Changing the smoking culture of Māori

1 May 2008

Shane Bradbrook is passionate about shifting New Zealand's smoking culture, especially amongst Māori. With strong Māori tikanga and leadership, Aotearoa can be tobacco-free.


The drug classification alphabet

1 May 2008

An un-evidence-based mess


Let's talk about pot: Black Market forces

1 May 2008

At $1 billion, New Zealand's cannabis black market would equate to one quarter the size of New Zealand's entire legal horticulture industry. David Young explores whether the economics are that simple


Mythbusters: How attractive is the Swedish model?

1 May 2008

A 'drug-free society' is an attractive proposition, and one pursued with vigor under Sweden's drug policy. Mythbusters sizes up the model to see if it's as stunning close up.

Media release
Mar 31

Drug Foundation urges moratorium and independent analysis of new party pills

31 Mar 2008

On the eve of the BZP party pill ban, the New Zealand Drug Foundation has called for a voluntary moratorium on sales of all new non-BZP party pills until an independent analysis has been carried out to determine their risk.