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Articles with category: Article


On the road to reducing drug harm

1 Feb 2015

The Drug Foundation was delighted to bring together a wide mix of people to deliberate on the intricacies of drug-driving policy at Te Wharewaka o Poneke. Stephen Blyth compiled this short report.


Good booze news from across the ditch

1 Feb 2015

The Australian Government’s Institute of Health and Welfare recently released its full report on the 2013 Australian National Drug Strategy Household Survey. The results are encouraging


Underdosing naloxone

1 Feb 2015

Globally, an estimated 69,000 people die each year from opioid overdose. The drug naloxone can quickly block opioid receptors in the brain and is used in some cases to bring people back from the brink of overdose death. Amberleigh Jack look


How well are pre-charge warnings working?

1 Nov 2014

Pre-charge warnings have quietly become a valuable new tool in the policing tool box and an effective way of getting minor crime out of an overloaded court system.


History never repeats

1 Nov 2014

New Zealand’s history of drugs and the laws to control them.


About a drug: Mescaline

1 Nov 2014

Mescaline is an alkaloid that causes hallucinogenic effects similar to those of LSD and psilocybin (magic mushrooms). It occurs naturally in several varieties of cactus, most notably peyote (native to Mexico) and the San Pedro cactus (nativ


Q&A: Dr John Crawshaw

1 Nov 2014

Dr John Crawshaw was appointed Director and Chief Advisor of Mental Health in November 2011. As the principal advisor to the government on matters of mental health, he fulfils several key statutory functions.


Mythbusters: Poppy Seeds

1 Nov 2014

You scoff a few poppy seed bagels and then take a routine workplace drug test. Is it true that your choice of lunch could put you under suspicion of having a heroin habit?


Viewpoints: Pregnancy warnings on alcohol labels

1 Nov 2014

In 2011, a trans-Tasman food labelling review recommended pregnancy health warning labels on alcohol products. The primary motivation was to help address soaring rates of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder.


Where there’s smoke, there’s sugar

1 Nov 2014

If there’s one thing Dirty Politics has made clear, it’s that astroturfing (masking who’s really behind the message) is alive and well in New Zealand. Keith Ng reports.


Most people with addiction simply grow out of it: why is this widely denied?

1 Nov 2014

The idea that addiction is a chronic, progressive disease that requires treatment doesn't hold up to the evidence. Maia Szalavitz.argues the ‘ageing out’ experience of the majority is ignored by treatment providers and journalists.


A remarkable lifetime achievement

1 Nov 2014

Tihi Puanaki – a driving force behind award-winning kapa haka group Te Kotahitanga for more than four decades – has just won a Lifetime Achievement award at this year’s Pride of NZ Awards.