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Articles with category: Article


Where there is life, there is hope

1 Aug 2013

Harm reduction is about respect, and saving lives. What is the current state of harm reduction services, and how can they be scaled up for greater impact?


About a drug: Salvia

1 May 2013

It’s not exactly the average herb you’ll find in your grandmother’s garden.


Q&A: Tariana Turia

1 May 2013

Māori Party Co-leader Hon. Tariana Turia has mounted a personal crusade against smoking and has been a staunch advocate for Māori health and wellbeing. Matters of Substance sat down with Mrs Turia to talk about the fight with Big Tobacco, h


Mythbusters: Drugs are legal in Portugal

1 May 2013

After massively reforming its drug policy at the turn of the century, Portugal stands as a global leader of evidencebased policy grounded on the principle of harm reduction. The situation seems to be working, with more people in treatment a


Viewpoints: Should we use the word ‘addict’?

1 May 2013

‘Addict’ may be a completely appropriate medical term, but could using it in a treatment environment actually do more harm than good?


Prevention first

1 May 2013

Police are uniquely placed to be first responders to alcohol, drug and mental health call-outs in our communities, but how do they fare?


The politics of price

1 May 2013

Alcohol-related harm in the UK was at the forefront of Prime Minister Cameron’s sights when he came into office, but now the situation is a bit more murky. David Young and Shannon Hanrahan investigate the politics of minimum price.


Healing from the inside out

1 May 2013

A new programme for students and by students has helped a troubled little community get back on its feet by getting young people to look inwards and talk about the pain behind bad behaviour and drug use.


Pissing in the wind

1 May 2013

James Robinson dives into pop culture to see how Hollywood is affecting our attitudes towards drugs and their use.


Catching up with reality

1 May 2013

The new DSM-V will launch next month. Will it spell a radical shift for the way our clinicians deal with addiction? Russell Brown looks at the New Zealand situation.


Chris Rattue

1 May 2013

Chris Rattue tells other people’s stories. He is a writer who makes his living as a journalist, sports reporter and columnist for The New Zealand Herald. But this time, Rattue wants to tell his story: a tale of addiction and freedom.


Little by little

1 May 2013

Sex addicts are comic gold, coffee addicts are the epitome of urban cool, but for drug addicts the tone is generally disapproving. Is it time for a more understanding approach to the illness of addiction?