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Articles with category: Article


About a drug: Cocaine

1 Feb 2013

Portrayed as one of the most glamorous drugs, cocaine has made a huge splash in pop culture and left a huge scar on South America.


Q&A: Russell Brand

1 Feb 2013

On the tenth anniversary of his recovery, comedian Russell Brand invited Matters of Substance backstage to the final show of his Australia and New Zealand tour.


Mythbusters: There is no such thing as cannabis withdrawal

1 Feb 2013

Cannabis doesn't have the physical symptoms of withdrawl that other drugs have, but it does have it.


Viewpoints: Should unregistered naltrexone implants be used to treat opioid dependence?

1 Feb 2013

Naltrexone is still untested. Should we allow it to be used as an opiod blocker? Viewpoints takes a look.


The cost of our convictions

1 Feb 2013

How much does imprisoning young New Zealanders for minor drug offences cost us?


Where now for opponents of cannabis law reform?

1 Feb 2013

Steve Rolles considers how recent cannabis law reform victories are reshaping the landscape of the oldest debate in drug policy.


Why the UN needs civil society

1 Feb 2013

Yury Fedotov, the Executive Director of the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime writes about the important role of civil society.


How we see things from our front gate

1 Feb 2013

Russell School's success in reducing harm from a poorly managed local liquor store shows what can be achieved when communities engage and mobilise.


Putting the ‘bi’ into binge

1 Feb 2013

Emma Hart suggests there’s a reason why bisexual people binge drink more than straight dudes and dudesses and that the biphobic media aren’t helping the situation at all.


Crime and punishment:

1 Feb 2013

Russia’s treatment of its addicted citizens is characterised by cruelty. They are denied medicine, beaten, raped and tortured. Yet according to the propoganda these are the luckiest drug addicts on the planet.


The Drug War in retreat?

1 Feb 2013

Are we witnessing the beginning of the end for the global War on Drugs? Attacks on drug war ideology are coming from all quarters, argues Russell Brown, to the point where the United Nations has been forced to act. But how much regard the U


Future drugs

1 Feb 2013

Rob Zorn talks with a few drug policy experts about what the world can expect to see over the next few years.