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Articles with category: Article


Mythbusters: Dope driving: I'm a safer driver when I'm stoned - crap or fact?

1 Aug 2011

Many pot smokers who smoke and drive will say they're fine to get behind the wheel. Mythbusters looks at the evidence to see whether this is really so.


Viewpoints: Should New Zealand introduce drug courts?

1 Aug 2011

Drug courts are effective in helping offenders face up to their addictions and get the help they need. Or are they just an expensive waste of time? You decide.


Guest editorial: Drug courts - there is a better way

1 Aug 2011

Gerald Waters lost a dear friend to a repeat drunk driver and became bewildered at our justice system's failure to address substance use as a root cause of so much crime. He now wants a drug court in New Zealand.


Playing Russian roulette

1 Aug 2011

Seems the inventor of the psychoactive chemicals found in synthetic cannabis products has little nice to say about the profiteering purveyors of these untested chemical compounds.


Mob Mumzys moving and shaking

1 Aug 2011

Mongrel Mob women in Porirua are taking positive steps to make better life choices in an environment where drinking and drug taking are the norm.


The benefit in doubt

1 Aug 2011

Welfare beneficiaries who use alcohol and drugs are likely to be targeted under a new, tougher regime if recommendations by the Welfare Working Group are introduced. The government-appointed group has found the current system is too permiss


Viewpoints - Should ibogaine be an approved drug treatment?

10 May 2011

In our third segment looking objectively at both sides of a contentious issue, we consider whether ibogaine should be approved as a treatment for withdrawal and dependence.


More cool to stay at school

1 May 2011

A number of CAYADs are working to develop evidence-based alternatives to help keep kids in school instead of excluding or suspending them.


Interview with Steve Walsh

1 May 2011

Steve Walsh is now sober and enjoying a life of mountain biking and art galleries. Steve talks to Keri Welham.


Hello Sunday Morning

1 Feb 2011

We talk with Chris Raine, a remarkable young Australian whose innovative and courageous online programme is helping many question and overcome the prominence of alcohol in their daily lives and culture.


Opinion: The Debate down at Goodbye Blue Monday

1 Feb 2011

Where better to talk about alcohol law reform than at the pub? Christchurch CAYAD co-ordinator Mike Moss reports on how an organised debate went down with the locals.


Mythbusters: Is alcohol cheaper than bottled water?

1 Feb 2011

New Zealand research got tounges wagging around the world by claiming some alcohol costs less than bottled water. Surely that can't be true, can it?