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Articles with category: Article


Viewpoints: Should cannabis be on WADA's banned substances list?

1 Feb 2011

In our second segment looking objectively at both sides of a contentious issue, we consider whether dope-smoking athletes should be diciplined. We leave you to decide between competing arguments.


Sport under the influence

1 Feb 2011

Alcohol industry sponsorship has been a goldmine for sport in New Zealand, so much so that many clubs say they couldn't survive without it. But what has been the cost to the codes, the players and the general public of alcohol's high profil


Guest editorial: Compulsory treatment Dutch style

1 Nov 2010

Treatment boss Robert Steenhuisen takes a firsthand look at a compulsory treatment facility in the Netherlands and makes some comparisions with New Zealand.


Smoking bans in prisons - do they work?

1 Nov 2010

Midway through next year, there will be a ban on smoking behind bars, but there is considerable debate over how effective this will be and over whether the ban is solely motivated by health concerns.


Mythbusters: Cannabis potency

1 Nov 2010

Police and the media say ESR tests conducted this year prove cannabis in New Zealand has become a whole lot stronger. But just what did these tests examine, and what do the results really mean?


War and Drugs

1 Nov 2010

Today, more than ever, armies around the world are dealing with serious substance abuse problems and the mental health issues that result. New Zealand is no exception.


Big tobacco hires whaling guy to astroturf

1 Aug 2010

Is the Association of Community Retailers really a grass roots group of mum and dad corner dairy owners? Or is there some 'jiggery-smokery' going on behind the scenes?


Mythbusters: Does alcohol make you fat?

1 Aug 2010

Studies indicate that how alcohol affects your waistline may depend on your age, sex, location, weight, health, social status, profession or all or none of the above... maybe.


We're on your side

1 Aug 2010

The death of a close friend made Black Power member Denis O'Reilly re-evaluate his own methamphetamine use. This is the story of one man's fight against P within a gang environment.


When drugs and music overlap

1 Aug 2010

Recent research from Berkeley suggests there may be some truth to stereotypical associations between drugs and music people choose.


Drug law reform - A global snapshot

1 Feb 2010

In light of the Law Commission's review Sanji Gunasekara looks at recent efforts in other jurisdictions to reform drug law.


Knowledge of and attitudes to illegal drugs

1 Feb 2010

Last year, the Ministry of Health published a report on what kiwis know and think about illegal drugs. Not all the findings were predictable, and some come as a surprise.