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Articles with category: Article


2019 Budget set to deliver

1 Jul 2019

The Wellbeing Budget should see improved access to addiction treatment. It will take time, but in the meantime let's celebrate!


We need YOU! #cannabis referendum

1 Jul 2019

Be part of history: Feature article on the cannabis referendum and Health Not Handcuffs


New options to avert North American opioid crisis

1 Jul 2019

David Young investigates the opioid crisis in North America. Are new approaches and more resources needed? What form should they take?


Why no human rights section in 2019 UNODC World Drug Report?

1 Jul 2019

Filter magazine: A United Nations report has highlighted the huge scale of annual deaths from drug use around the world, but the damage done by increasingly abusive prohibition doesn’t rate a mention.


Hugs not Drugs (or both)

1 Jul 2019

Not everybody uses drugs in the same ways and this is especially true for the LGBTQ community. Are different approaches to harm reduction needed?


Regulating cannabis - a challenge we are more than up to

11 Apr 2019

Cannabis legalisation is often presented as a yes/no question - but in reality, there are countless policy options.


Q&A: Pauline Stewart

1 Mar 2019

Registered psychologist Pauline Stewart runs a nationwide service for families who are supporting a whanau member struggling with alcohol and other drug use.


Tools about host responsibility and drugs in bars

1 Mar 2019

Imagine you’re managing a bar, and someone tells you they just saw a guy selling MDMA in the bathroom. What do you do?


Stoned at the wheel: is there a problem?

1 Mar 2019

Can roadside testing detect impaired drivers? Naomi Arnold looks at the evidence.


You can't put fires out with gasoline

1 Mar 2019

Words can convey more than their semantic meaning. Journalist Chloe Ann-King shares her reaction to what she reads and hears in the media and health care sectors.


Synthetic cannabinoids - too many unknowns

1 Mar 2019

Nathan Brown reports on a Drug Foundation-led information gathering and sharing exercise aimed at reducing harm from synthetic cannabinoids.


Mental Health Inquiry: Change of direction needed

1 Mar 2019

The Mental Health and Addictions Inquiry signalled a major direction change but provided no navigation rules. Who should plot the new course?