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Articles with category: Article


The truth we all need to hear

1 Mar 2019

Korero Pono JustSpeak exhibition: Even the shortest prison sentence can be a life sentence for some.


Introducing He Korowai Aroha, Health Not Handcuffs

1 Mar 2019

A new movement called Health Not Handcuffs has been launched ahead of the cannabis referendum, calling for drug laws that give people a hand up instead of a lock up


Legalisation: the chance to right wrongs

1 Mar 2019

NZ has a golden opportunity to right many of the wrongs caused by cannabis prohibition, says Tess Nicol


Q&A: Jenny Valentish

1 Nov 2018

enny Valentish is a journalist and novelist. Her latest book Woman of Substances is part memoir and part investigation into the relationship between gender, trauma and addiction


Living Sober 3.0

1 Nov 2018

Changes afoot for Living Sober community


Needle exchanges at 30: Looking back, moving forward

1 Nov 2018

New Zealand Needle Exchange Executive Director Kathryn Leafe takes us back to the early days of needle exchange in New Zealand, detailing how far we’ve come, and what’s still left to do.


Once an addict always an addict, right?

1 Nov 2018

Chloe King uses her own addiction and recovery experience to issue a forthright challenge to some of the common ‘armchair diagnosing’ beliefs and terminology we may have inherited from AA.


Good data, the devil and the details

1 Nov 2018

Rob Zorn talks about the importance of capturing good data both before and after legalisation, to monitor health and economic trends


Q&A: Costing drug policy options

1 Nov 2018

Economist Shamubeel Eaqub: A health-based approach to drug policy is not only the most compassionate, it's the best economic choice.


Global leaders call to regulate drugs

1 Nov 2018

Kali Mercier gives a brief rundown of a recent Global Commission on Drug Policy report and its implications for the War on Drugs abroad and potentially here at home.


The best place in the world to be a child

1 Nov 2018

After the Ha¯paitia te Oranga Tangata summit in August, Dennis O’Reilly started thinking about how to address the wicked criminal justice problems we face.


Big Cannabis is rising high

1 Nov 2018

With medicinal cannabis legal in the majority of states and more and more legalising recreational use, opportunities now abound for a wide variety of new entrepreneurs and established big business.