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Articles with category: News


Where do you stand?

1 Jun 2016

To keep up pressure for a move to healthy and just ways of dealing with drug problems, New Zealanders are invited to join the global Support. Don’t Punish. day of action.

May 16

Living Sober members report positive influence

16 May 2016

Valuable support is offered to people giving up drinking on the Living Sober website according to a survey of members conducted late last year.

May 13

ALERT: spike in synthetic cannabis in the Hawke's Bay

13 May 2016

An alert has been issued today for residents in Hawke's Bay, after a synthetic cannabinoid linked to deaths overseas was detected in the region.

Apr 18

UNGASS 2016 - as it happened

18 Apr 2016

The biggest global conversation on drug policy in the last 15 years was run by the United Nations in New York City 19-20 April 2016.

Apr 12

Why Maori must lead on drug law reform

12 Apr 2016

When will world leaders, politicians and community leaders admit that our punitive approach to the drug problem isn't working?

Mar 4

More of the same won't work - Sanho Tree visit report

4 Mar 2016

When Sanho Tree visited Aotearoa New Zealand in February 2016 he grabbed everyone’s attention by sharing many counter-intuitive responses to drug prohibition.

Dec 14

Kiwis join drug policy hui in Washington, November 2015

14 Dec 2015

A delegation of Drug Foundation staff joined 1500 other people from 70 countries at the 2015 International Drug Policy Reform Conference, held 18 to 21 November 2015 in Washington DC.

Dec 4

Five wonderful years of FebFast NZ

4 Dec 2015

The Drug Foundation has reluctantly decided FebFast New Zealand will not be run again.

Nov 27

2015 in review

27 Nov 2015

At the 2015 Annual General Meeting we looked back at the Drug Foundation’s work over the last twelve months, and ahead to the big challenges for 2016.

Sep 29

Steer Clear wins health improvement award

29 Sep 2015

The team behind the Steer Clear road safety campaign received a Ko Awatea 2015 International Excellence in Health Improvement Award in Auckland on 24 September 2015.

Aug 31

International Overdose Awareness Day: Guest Blog

31 Aug 2015

Every week a New Zealander dies of an overdose. Sadly, many of these deaths are entirely preventable, but the stigma surrounding injecting drug use has so far prevented us from taking action.

Aug 31

New Zealand needs to do more to tackle overdose problem

31 Aug 2015

Nearly every week in New Zealand a person dies from an opioid overdose. If you're not aware of our overdose problem, you're not alone - we don't like to talk openly about intravenous drug use in Aotearoa.