Every year, well over a hundred New Zealand families lose a loved one due to accidental overdose.
Behind each number in our report are dozens of broken hearts, unfulfilled dreams, and whānau left behind to grieve.
Accidental overdose deaths are preventable. It is entirely unacceptable, therefore, that the number of fatal overdoses is steadily increasing in Aotearoa.
We can turn this around, but our approach needs an urgent paradigm shift. Last year, we published a comprehensive Overdose Prevention Plan (PDF, 469 KB) that contains a list of meaningful actions we can take to prevent this extreme harm from happening, including specialist overdose prevention services, an expansion of harm reduction approaches, access to naloxone, and better preparedness for rapidly changing drug supplies.
Preventing overdose is not possible without surveillance. It may sound surprising that Aotearoa does not have a national mechanism that keeps track of overdose fatalities, and there is no national standard for counting these instances.
In the absence of a national overdose surveillance system, we try to access information that can enable us to estimate the harm and look at trends that could inform policy and services. In this report, we focus on coronial data that we access through requests under the Official Information Act. We also cover hospital presentation data for drug poisonings (non-fatal overdoses) and national mortality data that we access under an Information Sharing Agreement with Te Whatu Ora.
We focus on coronial data in this paper because, despite its limitations and delays, it is the timeliest way we can access overdose information
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This section examines data from the coronial office of fatal, accidental overdoses cases in New Zealand between 2016 and 2023.
This data only includes accidental drug overdose deaths and excludes intentional self-harm or suicide deaths. It also does not include other drug-related death causes, such as communicable diseases, short- or long-term health complications and chronic health conditions that may occur as a result of drug use.
Cases between 2016 and 2023 were analysed for this report. Toxicology detection and data collection of substances before 2016 is inconsistent and therefore has been excluded.
1,179 people died of accidental drug overdose between 2016 and 2023.
Outside of a peak in 2018 caused by the synthetic cannabinoid crisis, fatal overdoses have been steadily increasing.
The most recent cases we present in the report are likely to be under active investigation. This means that the total numbers we present for these more recent cases are provisional and may change in time.
For the years 2022 and 2023, the majority of cases we analysed were still considered active cases under coronial inquiry. We've noted this below the relevant graphs.
Coronial data in New Zealand has limitations and cannot be used on its own as a definitive measure of overdose mortality. Rather, it should be considered an indicator of patterns in overdose deaths. Coronial data is limited by a significant delay in closing cases, which can take several years.
Data on active cases is restricted and only provides information on the class of drug involved in the death and the year the death occurred. Sometimes the drugs implicated in the death or the overall cause of death is changed when a case is closed by the coroner. As a result, active case numbers may be under- or over-reported in this dataset. In the case of emerging new psychoactive substances (NPS), such as nitazenes, we are unable to confirm how many active cases involved these substances.
This report has excluded cases considered by a coroner to be intentional self-harm (suicide). However, sometimes an active case is thought to be intentional, and is later closed as an accidental overdose, or the other way around. Such cases may result in overcounting or undercounting of overdose deaths, particularly in recent years with a high proportion of active cases.
In cases where multiple drug types were detected in toxicology results, we have attributed a case as being caused by a drug class based on the following prioritisation:
To determine this order, we looked at drug mortality data from a number of international sources 1,2 and compared the findings with overall drug availability in New Zealand. This provided us with a framework to prioritise what drug classes were most likely to lead to an overdose death. It is important to bear in mind that combining multiple drugs greatly increases the likelihood of death from overdose. In some cases, the final coroner-determined cause of mortality will differ from the allocated prioritisation of these coronial cases.
*Cases labelled as ‘no drugs detected’ are cases where the death has been coded by the coroner as a drug overdose, but toxicology data did not show any drugs. This sometimes happens if the drug is difficult to detect, or in cases where toxicology data is not recorded in the coronial information system.
These graphs depict the number of cases for each substance group between 2016 and 2023.
e.g., morphine, methadone, heroin, codeine, fentanyl, nitazenes
Fatal synthetic cannabinoid overdoses: Active and closed cases
e.g., alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam, etizolam, bromazolam
e.g., methamphetamine, methylphenidate, synthetic cathinones
Alcohol features in many overdose cases, particularly those where more than one substance is detected. Alcohol can add to the risk of overdose death, particularly when it is mixed with other depressant drugs such as opioids, benzodiazepines, or synthetic cannabinoids. This graph shows all cases where alcohol was present, whether or not it was the likely cause of death.
Between 2016 and 2023, alcohol was involved in at least 35.4% of all overdose cases.
Most fatal overdoses in New Zealand involve more than one drug or medicine. Over half of all closed cases between 2016 and 2023 involved at least four different substances and 43.9% involved five or more.
Most overdose cases involved at least one type of depressant (such as an opioid, a benzodiazepine, or alcohol) and many cases involved substances from several different types of depressants.
New psychoactive substances (NPS) are novel drugs that are manufactured to mimic the effects of well-known illicit drugs. This is a wide group of substances that includes synthetic cathinones (‘bath salts’), synthetic cannabinoids (synnies), novel benzodiazepines (e.g., etizolam, bromazolam) and novel synthetic opioids (e.g., nitazenes).
NPS can be difficult to test for, and some are not part of routine toxicology screening.
Novel psychoactive substances appeared in 8.5% of all closed overdose cases from 2016–2023.
The majority of these were synthetic cannabinoids, but NPS stimulants, benzodiazepines and opioids also featured in the data.
Medicines are involved in many overdose deaths in New Zealand.
While we don’t know whether they were used as prescribed, or they were diverted or illicitly manufactured, it is important to consider how medicines can interact with illicit drugs.
Over two thirds of all closed cases from 2016–2023 involved at least one medicine.
Some medicines feature more heavily in overdose death cases. 14 different medications featured over 50 times each in closed cases. Diazepam, zopiclone and codeine were the most common medicines appearing in closed overdose cases.
The graph below presents the average yearly mortality rates* among Māori and non-Māori aged 15 or over. Concerningly, this rate is 2.4 times higher among Māori than non-Māori.
* Unfortunately, we were unable to access coronial data on active cases with ethnic or age breakdowns. This means that the information provided here is based on the Mortality Collection dataset that covered an older period of time (2016–2019; see the following pages for more details about this dataset).
Aotearoa does not have a dedicated surveillance mechanism for tracking drug overdose deaths. Because of this gap in critical public health data, we try to access the best information available in the timeliest manner that we can. However, we don’t have the same level of access to the data as national health agencies do.
While national mortality data is collected by the Ministry of Health, reporting is delayed and the coding system does not allow straightforward identification of overdose deaths in real time.
This year, we compared our analysis of coronial data with Mortality Collection data held by the Ministry of Health. This is New Zealand’s official public repository containing information about all deaths that occurred in the country along with causes of mortality. Unlike the data we receive from the coronial office that relies on specific keyword searches, mortality data uses standardised clinical coding, making it less prone to random errors in retrieving information. However, there is usually a delay of a few years before this data is available, due to ongoing coronial inquiries and further data validation and processing.
This analysis covers the national records of deaths in New Zealand.
To analyse the data, we followed the opioid mortality methodology from the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which we modified to cover multiple substances. We classified a case as a drug overdose if it included an Underlying Cause of Mortality external injury ICD-10 code of X40-X44 in combination with the relevant substance poisoning code. If multiple poisoning codes were present, we prioritised those that were the most likely to contribute to a fatal overdose (see Prioritisation).
Opioids continue to be the class of drugs most likely implicated in fatal overdose in New Zealand. The discrepancy between the two data sources for the total number of deaths was just over 8% (ranging from +/- 0–25% each year). Data from mortality and coronial sources appears to show similar trends over time for the years that were covered in both datasets.
It appears that the coronial data analysis may underestimate the number of deaths caused by synthetic cannabinoids (overall, 36% discrepancy between sources). However, both data sources demonstrate a very similar trend over time.
While there are numerical differences between the two datasets we compared (43% difference for benzodiazepines over the period), the number of deaths estimated using both methods follow a similar pattern over time.
Stimulant overdose mortality estimates differed between datasets in terms of the numbers (38% difference), with coronial data underestimating the burden of stimulant overdose deaths. However, similar to other substance classes, they followed a very similar pattern over time.
While limited access to complete coronial data makes it difficult to accurately describe overdose deaths, we are reassured that the data we present in this report accurately represents the overall trends over time in different communities.
Because of its limitations, our report does not provide the timely source of information we need to prevent overdose deaths in New Zealand here and now.
We urgently need to develop a surveillance mechanism that captures the burden of overdose in our communities and can accurately track trends over time to stop preventable deaths from happening. This requires leadership and collaboration between all holders of key data, such as the health agencies, coronial offices, toxicology labs, and others.
A non-fatal overdose is a major predictive factor for a future fatal overdose.
Very little research has been done to determine the incidence of non-fatal overdose in New Zealand. In this section, we present the hospitalisation data from the National Minimum Dataset (NMDS), provided to the NZ Drug Foundation under an Information Sharing Agreement with Te Whatu Ora Data Services team.
This data is most likely only the tip of the iceberg of non-fatal drug overdoses in Aotearoa. Our analysis only captures cases where people presented to the hospital, were assessed and either admitted, transferred, or discharged immediately. It does not include people who were treated by ambulance teams, received help from members of the community, or presented to after-hours clinics or GPs. Many people who suffer a non-fatal overdose don’t receive any help at all. Some may recover without treatment, while others sadly may die before getting help and end up being captured in fatal overdose figures.
The NMDS data we present covers all DHBs and uses the same measures across all regions between 2014 and 2023. We only included cases of people aged 15 and over in the data. We present cases where the ICD-10 diagnostic code for the primary diagnosis included poisonings with the following substances:
We believe that the criteria for selection of cases were conservative and will likely result in undercounting of accidental drug poisoning cases. We removed all cases where there were any codes present that could indicate intentional self-harm or poisoning by assault. We did not include cases where the substance involved was unknown. Cases where poisonings were present as non-primary diagnosis only were also excluded.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that, occasionally, cases that should be classified as accidental poisonings are misclassified as intentional selfharm – the frequency of this error is unknown.
This analysis assumes the validity of clinical diagnoses recorded and does not include toxicology data. Because of the limitations of ICD-10 coding and lack of toxicological data, this analysis is unable to provide information on NPS poisonings.
It is important to remember that not all accidental poisonings covered in this analysis resulted from deliberate ingestion of a substance. While this would be relatively rare among adults, some of the cases may include unknowingly consuming a substance that resulted in hospital presentation.
In 2023, there were 579 hospital presentations with drug poisonings. The most common implicated substance class was opioids, followed by stimulants, and benzodiazepines.
Compared to the previous three years’ average, the overall number of poisonings resulting in hospital visits has fallen slightly, by 6.6%. While for most substances the presentations appear to be relatively stable over the course of ten years, the stimulants presentations have been stubbornly higher over the last five years.
Concerningly, 10.2% of hospital presentations involved more than one depressant, which increases the risk of death.
The number of presentations has been falling for European New Zealanders over the last five years. However, it has remained stubborn for Māori, and last year even saw an increase of 12.9% for hospital discharges among Māori compared to the previous three years’ average.
Between 2014 and 2023, 38 (0.6%) of 6,525 hospital presentations resulted in death.
This relatively low rate is not surprising considering that those who make it to the hospital are likely to receive adequate help. Another factor may be that the severity of the poisoning experienced by those presenting at hospitals is lower than among those who died before they were able to get help.
Relative to population size, 15–24-year-olds had the highest rate of poisoning resulting in a visit to the hospital, almost twice as high as the average rate.
Relative to the population size, Māori have 1.84 times the rate of drug poisonings that result in hospital visits compared to non-Māori in New Zealand.
Over the ten years, 6,020 individuals were seen at the hospitals for drug poisonings. While the vast majority of these were seen only once, 389 people (6.5%) were seen twice or more. This was more common among NZ European individuals.
Overall, the number of overdose deaths has been steadily increasing in Aotearoa.
These numbers are especially concerning among Māori, who suffer fatal overdoses at over twice the rate of non-Māori.
Overdose deaths are preventable and we can do better.
We need to urgently change gears and start addressing our country’s lack of harm reduction services and effective overdose monitoring.
Overall, hospital presentations due to drug poisonings have gone down in New Zealand. While it may appear encouraging, this finding has not translated to fewer drug overdose deaths.
This is likely driven by a combination of factors, including the presence of high-potency substances in the illicit drug market that greatly increase the risk of death among the population of illicit opioid users. High Alert has released notifications of detections of nitazenes in New Zealand’s illicit drug supply, and we are aware of severe poisonings, including likely deaths from nitazenes.
We are also concerned that fewer people may be showing up to hospital when they need help.
Accidental overdoses are preventable.
We urgently need to shift our approach in order to reduce harm, stop the number of fatal overdoses increasing, and prepare ourselves for major changes in drug supply.
1. Develop and resource a comprehensive overdose programme in Aotearoa.
2. Build a national overdose surveillance system.
3. Ensure our legislation and regulations enable action.
We want to acknowledge the teams that assisted us in accessing the data, including the Office of the Chief Coroner (Ministry of Justice), and National Collections Data Services (Te Whatu Ora). In particular, we want to acknowledge Lydia Ludbrook and Chris Lewis from the Data Services teams for their guidance on analysing hospitalisation and mortality data.
New data shows that fatal overdoses are continuing to increase.
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