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Aug 7

All eyes on Canada: What we can learn

7 Aug 2018

Kali Mercier travelled to this year’s ISSDP Conference in Vancouver recently, to see how their approach to drug policy can help inform our own.

Aug 7

Don't delay acting on synthetic cannabinoids

7 Aug 2018

Winston Peters warns Government officials to take urgent action to stop further deaths from synthetic drugs

Jul 26

Whānau first for Mental Health & Addiction Inquiry

26 Jul 2018

Taking a whānau, social and cultural approach to Māori wellbeing

Jul 26

First Nations’ position in Canada’s new cannabis frontier

26 Jul 2018

As Canada prepares to roll out its legal marijuana legislation this summer, indigenous communities are concerned about how much autonomy they will have over the process.

Media release

July 2018 cannabis survey

24 Jul 2018

A new survey shows two thirds of voters support changing the country’s outdated cannabis law. Outright legalisation is the most popular option.

Jul 19

Starting the work of reforming NZ's criminal justice system

19 Jul 2018

Viewpoints: Medicinal cannabis paradigms, part 2

1 Jul 2018

Dr Sam McBride counters that the evidence isn’t all that compelling and that the risks are not yet fully clear – despite the naïve naturalist claims of some of its proponents.


Viewpoints: Medicinal cannabis paradigms, part 1

1 Jul 2018

Dr David Caldicott argues that the evidence for its effectiveness seems real and that we should get on with exploring a medicinal regime in the interests of patient wellbeing.


Respect: schools teaching critical thinking and harm reduction

1 Jul 2018

Concerns were raised about a West Auckland school using a MethHelp booklet in the classroom. This was a good thing to do.