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Q&A: Anne Bardsley

1 Jul 2018

Hear directly from the lead author of the Chief Science Advisor's report on third hard exposure to methamphetamine.


Are we truly set up to support whaiora?

1 Jul 2018

Tangi Noomotu suggests we need to take a good hard look at how much those working in the addiction field are asking of tangata whaiora.


What to expect when Canada legalises

1 Jul 2018

Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction's CEO explains what cannabis legalisation might mean for mean for society, young people and public health.


The big ask: Ensuring the best legalisation referendum question

1 Jul 2018

There is no clear picture of what question will appear on the cannabis referendum ballot. The details are important, argues Russell Brown.


Is Norway set to spark a drug policy revolution?

1 Jul 2018

Until recently Norway has been wed to conservative drug law. This looks like it will change in a recent, sudden and surprising turn of events.


Festival-goers more informed - and more cautious

1 Jul 2018

KnowYourStuffNZ have analysed results from drug checking they offered at several festivals around NZ over the summer. Read a summary of the results.


Māori enterprises gear up for medicinal cannabis market

1 Jul 2018

Some Māori enterprises are gearing up to win a share of the medicinal cannabis market when the law is changed. Two enterprises tell their story.


Stemming the tide in the north

1 Jul 2018

Te Ara Oranga pilot putting more support in place for people using methamphetamine and their whānau is already proving its worth. What next?

Media release
Jun 21

Legalising cannabis in Canada is good for public health

21 Jun 2018

Canada’s decision to legalise and regulate cannabis is a public health win, and something the NZ government should look to emulate.