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Jun 14

Mental Health & Addictions: NZ knows the solutions

14 Jun 2018

New Zealand knows what to do: Our submission to the Mental Health & Addictions Inquiry


Methamphetamine testing reset: where are we at?

14 Jun 2018

Watch: Ross Bell speaks about cleaning up after the meth myth, and read: what we think should happen from here.


Drug Foundation welcomes decision to scrap mega-prison

31 May 2018

The Government has announced they will not go ahead with plans to build a “mega prison” at Waikeria in the Waikato.

May 31

Medicinal cannabis bill should take account of Māori traditional healing

31 May 2018

The place of Māori traditional healing and the use of medicinal cannabis products ought to be considered by the medicinal cannabis amendment bill select committee.

May 30

Waitangi Tribunal to investigate the Crown’s role in alcohol and substance abuse

30 May 2018

Alcohol and substance abuse have been identified as a priority for the current Waitangi Tribunal inquiry into the condition of NZ’s health services.

May 30

Opinion: Meth myth was allowed to go on for too long

30 May 2018

Executive Director Ross says much suffering would have been avoided if run away methamphetamine testing had been tackled sooner.

Media release

Strong justification to rein in meth testing industry

28 May 2018

Regulations to rein in meth testing industry announced, following report from Govt's chief science advisor

May 13

Indigenous drug policy at the UN

13 May 2018

Gilbert Taurua highlights indegnous drug issues at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indegnous Issues

May 2

It's OK to talk about drugs in schools

2 May 2018

Schools are being responsible teaching about drugs. Any debate about how best to do this is very welcome.