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International drug reform is happening – just not as we expected

1 May 2014

Reform of international drug policy seems inevitable, but questions remain. John Collins asks some of them.


There’s an app for that

1 May 2014

There are new apps and programs designed to help your sobriety, but can technology replace face-to-face recovery?


Erowid et al

1 May 2014

Politics, the law and logistics make it difficult to provide frank, up-to-date information on psychoactive drugs. That’s where websites like Erowid and Bluelight come in.


Oh, Vienna!

1 May 2014

For some, the 57th Commission on Narcotic Drugs in Vienna this year was disappointing. For others, there were glimmers of hope.


ChEckiT out

1 May 2014

The dance party scene is renowned for being up with the latest and best dance-enhancing substances. ChEckiT helps party goers make good decisions.


Will they ever learn?

1 May 2014

If a student turns up to class stoned, they might be kicked out of school. Or they might receive drug counselling and be excluded from attending their school ball. Which is better?

Media release
Apr 28

Use powers in existing law says Drug Foundation

28 Apr 2014

The announcement of changes to the Psychoactive Substances Act to remove currently approved ‘legal highs' from sale is disappointing due to its political nature, and will lead to stockpiling and black-market sales the New Zealand Drug Found

Media release
Apr 23

Op-ed: Law change a comedown for legal high industry

23 Apr 2014

Novel psychoactive substances first appeared in 2001, since then governments have repeatedly failed in attempts to ban this problem away because the legal high industry simply creates new chemicals to evade bans.

Media release
Feb 20

1/3 of NZ families affected by alcohol and drug problems

20 Feb 2014

A third of New Zealanders have a family member who has experienced negative effects in their life due to alcohol or drug use, research commissioned by the New Zealand Drug Foundation has shown.