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Media release
Feb 12

febfast lite for sevens hangover

12 Feb 2014

People who overdid it at the Wellington Sevens last weekend can give their livers a break for the rest of February by signing up to febfast.

Media release
Feb 3

febfast kicks off with a bang, still time to register

3 Feb 2014

febfast kicked off 28 days of booze free bliss with a bang over the weekend and there is still time to register, febfast coordinator Natalia Albert said today.


About a drug: Khat

1 Feb 2014

Khat is a scraggly plant that grows in the dry hillsides and sandy rocky soils of Africa. Its small green leaves and average height don’t leave a lasting impression on one’s mind, but chewing said leaves might.


Q&A: Kofi Annan

1 Feb 2014

United Nations Secretary-General and a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Kofi Annan took time to answer questions from Matters of Substance about his role on the board of the Global Commission on Drug Policy.


Viewpoints: Should New Zealand have supervised injection sites?

1 Feb 2014

Supervised injection sites are legally sanctioned, medically supervised facilities designed to reduce harm from injecting drug use. Overwhelmingly, the evidence shows they have reduced harm from intravenous drug use in these places, so is i


Decriminalisation of kratom in Thailand

1 Feb 2014

Kratom leaves have long been used medicinally and recreationally and, more recently, as part of treatment for opiate addiction. The Thai Government is considering its legalisation.


Sounding the drug war retreat

1 Feb 2014

There are clear signs that the global consensus on drugs is becoming increasingly fractured, writes Ann Fordham.


What’s going on in the smoke filled rooms?

1 Feb 2014

Tobacco giants are making it known that plain packaging legislation will meet with forceful litigation in international courts and forums. What advice exists for advocates?


It’s not about the drugs

1 Feb 2014

A new report has reignited the call for an even hand in the policing of drugs, citing figures that show the glare of police scrutiny is disproportionately focused on non-whites.