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Mythbusters: New Zealand has the highest drug use in the world

1 Aug 2013

Do we really? Or is it just that our bean counters are better at counting beans than others. Find out!


Viewpoints: Addiction is an equal opportunity disease

1 Aug 2013

Can anyone develop an addiction? Viewpoints discusses.


Opinion: Hurt people hurt people

1 Aug 2013

Young people are often on the fringe of policy discourse, but JustSpeak, a youth-led organisation, has forged a strong voice on justice and corrections issues.


A small triumph

1 Aug 2013

Thinking and talking about addiction recovery and drug policy is hard in a media that saturates us with stigma-laden messages. But some publications are talking about sensible solutions.


The Retreat

1 Aug 2013

Utilising a ground-breaking residential treatment model developed in the US, The Retreat harnesses the will and experience of volunteers from the recovery community.


Psychoactive Substances Act 101

1 Aug 2013

A world-leading piece of legislation has been passed in New Zealand to regulate new psychoactive substances. What is it all about, how does it work, and where do we go from here?


Turning tide on compulsory treatment

1 Aug 2013

Slave labour. Torture. Forced medical research. It reads like some bleak, distant history – but it’s the contemporary reality for government drug treatment in East and Southeast Asia.


Needles and NIMBYs

1 Aug 2013

The cry “Not in my back yard!” is often heard when communities are confronted by a social solution they don’t fully understand.


Where there is life, there is hope

1 Aug 2013

Harm reduction is about respect, and saving lives. What is the current state of harm reduction services, and how can they be scaled up for greater impact?