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Feb 14

Half-arsed febfast heats up fundraising

14 Feb 2013

With fourteen days gone and fourteen to go there is still time to do a half-arsed febfast, febfast coordinator Jackson Wood said today.

Feb 3

Post-Sevens febfast

3 Feb 2013

People who overdid it at the Wellington Sevens this weekend can give their poor livers a break for the rest of February by signing up to febfast.


About a drug: Cocaine

1 Feb 2013

Portrayed as one of the most glamorous drugs, cocaine has made a huge splash in pop culture and left a huge scar on South America.


Q&A: Russell Brand

1 Feb 2013

On the tenth anniversary of his recovery, comedian Russell Brand invited Matters of Substance backstage to the final show of his Australia and New Zealand tour.


Mythbusters: There is no such thing as cannabis withdrawal

1 Feb 2013

Cannabis doesn't have the physical symptoms of withdrawl that other drugs have, but it does have it.


Viewpoints: Should unregistered naltrexone implants be used to treat opioid dependence?

1 Feb 2013

Naltrexone is still untested. Should we allow it to be used as an opiod blocker? Viewpoints takes a look.


The cost of our convictions

1 Feb 2013

How much does imprisoning young New Zealanders for minor drug offences cost us?


Where now for opponents of cannabis law reform?

1 Feb 2013

Steve Rolles considers how recent cannabis law reform victories are reshaping the landscape of the oldest debate in drug policy.


Why the UN needs civil society

1 Feb 2013

Yury Fedotov, the Executive Director of the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime writes about the important role of civil society.