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Media release
Sep 16

Why such a weak response to restricting alcohol marketing?

16 Sep 2010

While the Government is proposing to adopt, in part or whole, the majority of the Law Commission’s 153 recommendations for alcohol law reform, among those that it has rejected are some of the most effective policy levers to reduce alcohol-r

Media release
Aug 18

“The drugs just didn’t work anymore” – Drug websites put a human face on addiction

18 Aug 2010

“I don’t want to go back down that road. It’s very dark, very messy, and very lonely in spite of the fact it feels so loving, and so nice, and so social at the time.”…


Big tobacco hires whaling guy to astroturf

1 Aug 2010

Is the Association of Community Retailers really a grass roots group of mum and dad corner dairy owners? Or is there some 'jiggery-smokery' going on behind the scenes?


Mythbusters: Does alcohol make you fat?

1 Aug 2010

Studies indicate that how alcohol affects your waistline may depend on your age, sex, location, weight, health, social status, profession or all or none of the above... maybe.


We're on your side

1 Aug 2010

The death of a close friend made Black Power member Denis O'Reilly re-evaluate his own methamphetamine use. This is the story of one man's fight against P within a gang environment.


When drugs and music overlap

1 Aug 2010

Recent research from Berkeley suggests there may be some truth to stereotypical associations between drugs and music people choose.

Media release
May 12

Price matters – Why the Government should reconsider its stance on raising alcohol excise tax

12 May 2010

In light of the industry’s ongoing brazen attempts to seduce and recruit new generations of drinkers with pocket-money priced booze, our Government’s rejection of the Law Commission’s proposal to raise alcohol excise tax is irresponsible.

Media release
Apr 28

Well done on tobacco tax Prime Minister. Why not for alcohol?

28 Apr 2010

The Drug Foundation added its support to the Government’s surprise announcement of an increase in the tobacco excise tax effective from tonight, but says that decision puts the Prime Minister’s rejection of an excise increase for alcohol in

Media release
Apr 27

Kiwis urged to have their say on alcohol law reform

27 Apr 2010

Concerned Kiwis and community groups are being urged to join the debate about alcohol law reform following the release of the Law Commission’s report today.