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Media release
Mar 3

Why sensible suggestions on drug law should not be ignored

3 Mar 2010

The government’s initial response to the Law Commission’s report on drug law reform is disappointing. Minister of Justice Simon Power’s declaration that there’s not a single, solitary chance he will be relaxing drug laws is symptomatic of t

Media release
Feb 11

Modernising New Zealand’s drug law

11 Feb 2010

New Zealand’s drug law has been rejected as obsolete and out-of-touch by the Law Commission in its review - Controlling and Regulating Drugs - released for pubic consultation today.


Drug law reform - A global snapshot

1 Feb 2010

In light of the Law Commission's review Sanji Gunasekara looks at recent efforts in other jurisdictions to reform drug law.


Knowledge of and attitudes to illegal drugs

1 Feb 2010

Last year, the Ministry of Health published a report on what kiwis know and think about illegal drugs. Not all the findings were predictable, and some come as a surprise.


A formidable major

1 Nov 2009

Small in stature but a tower of strength, Lynette Hutson ranks highly among New Zealand's alcohol and other drug workers.


East Coast community action

1 Nov 2009

A number of CAYAD initiatives are helping East Coast youth to get on with it, instead of just getting out of it.


Where's the line?

1 Nov 2009

A new ALAC-sponsored website may help licensees and bar staff better manage their responsibilities under the Sale of Liquor Act.


Mythbusters: Alternative education - the root cause of drug use?

1 Nov 2009

Is 'Reefer' one of the Three Rs in New Zealand's alternative education system? Mythbusters look at what the NZCER report really said about AE student drug use.


Needle exchange comes of age

1 Nov 2009

Neeedle exchange New Zealand has come a long way since its humble and controversial beginning. It's now turned 21, and congratulations are in order.