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A court that heals

1 Nov 2014

Offenders opting to come under New Zealand’s first Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court choose a stretch of healing, rather than jail time. It’s hard work for everyone, but it’s paying off. Keri Welham visits the Alcohol and Other Drug Tr

Nov 1

Drug Policy Briefing to the Incoming Parliament 2014

1 Nov 2014

The Briefing to the Incoming Parliament (BIP), a policy brief prepared by the Drug Foundation for all parliamentarians, was publicly released 8 December 2014.


About a drug: Methamphetamine

1 Aug 2014

Amphetamine, meth’s parent drug, was first synthesised in Berlin in 1887 by Romanian chemist Lazâr Edeleanu, but its potency as a central nervous system stimulant wasn’t really discovered until 1927.


Q&A: I’m Lotta. I’m an alcoholic.

1 Aug 2014

Lotta Dann, the journalist wife of TVNZ political editor Corin Dann and a mother of three, has outed herself as a recovering alcoholic and released a book, Mrs D is Going Without, which has quickly become a bestseller.


Mythbusters: Substance and substantiation

1 Aug 2014

Tobacco plain packaging laws are an experiment that hasn’t worked. Tobacco companies claim the new law has led to a booming black market for cheap cigarettes instead of stamping out smoking.


Viewpoints: So should naloxone become more accessible in New Zealand?

1 Aug 2014

In the US, opiates cause thousands of overdose deaths each year. Making naloxone more readily available here would widen the safety net for overdose victims.


Decriminalise cannabis, decriminalise Māori?

1 Aug 2014

That Māori are more often criminalised for cannabis use is often used as another good argument for decriminalisation. Hirini Kaa argues things are more complex than that.


Guest editorial: Towards global drug policy pathways that work

1 Aug 2014

The Global Commission on Drugs proposes a new drug control regime for the 21st century. The experience of what regulation means in practice is informing policy, as Steve Rolles explains


Face Trashed

1 Aug 2014

Alcohol marketing on social media is cheap, successful and legal. But researchers say New Zealand should be attempting to control marketers’ sophisticated digital strategies.